Wednesday, July 24, 2013

mid week randoms

Happy Wednesday!  Just some more mid week randoms for ya!  I'm linking up with Megan over at In this Wonderful Life.  Enjoy this day, you'll never see it again! =)

  • Nothing better than going to bed with a clean kitchen! =)

  • Have y'all heard that a new "Elf on the Shelf" is coming out?!  A Birthday Elf!  I suppose it will have the same concept as the Christmas one with wanting the kids to "behave" in the weeks leading up to their birthday so that they will get presents!  But I will be interested to red the book!  I am sad that it doesn't come out until after Ryder's birthday...

  • We have been watching them build our new neighborhood market for months now...and opening day finally arrived, so of course we had to go!  ;)  {We are anxiously waiting for the CFA to go in, in front of it though!!  ECCCK!  Can't even believe it!}

  • We cruised up and down every aisle...I just wanted to see what they had and didn't have.  R picked these up and said, "For when you lose your eye brows!"--I was literally CRACKING UP!  He is too much sometimes!  :P

  • I've been studying for the Praxis 2 and it seriously is NOT fun!  Yes, it's stuff I've learned but BLAH I don't remember it all!  Just ready to get it over with!!  R and I made homemade pink lemonade popsicles and I had to have a little pick me up the other day while studying!

  • I asked R to put his dishes in the dishwasher the other day, because he has been asking for chores!  YES--ASKING!  SO I have been trying to find little things for him to do to make him feel grown up!  I didn't find his dishes like this until the next morning....not perfect, but hey they aren't in the sink! ;)

  • There's been construction on the main street I drive on for....oh I don't know how long.  It doesn't really bother me too much except when people don't know how to properly drive when their are orange barrels and round-abouts...and I enjoy watching the progress they are making every day! Well yesterday on my way to get R from school I noticed new LIGHTS!  ECCKK!  Look how much nice those black ones look than the tacky wood and white ones on the right!  I can't wait for it all to be done!
  • Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by from Megan's link up! I love the color of the walls in your kitchen! Your son is adorable. :)


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