Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I had a wonderful day spent with my lil man and my Mama and the rest of the fam!  We got up and went to church, where R sat with us and played Temple Run...yeah I'm that mom, but oh well!  He learns more in there than he does in his class {when he's quiet!}!  We ran home, changed clothes, ate a small lunch and then headed out the door to the river!
This was his idea, not mine!  ;)

Best card!  It even looks like R a little bit!
He literally played outside ALL.DAY.LONG with the cousins and caught this lizard at one point!  I LOVE being a boy mom!  =)
We had taco salad for lunch and I thought it looked pretty!  :P
We took a little walk down the dock...

I made him hold my hand...that water was just going too fast for me not to hold on tight to my baby.

I had a wonderful Mother's Day and I thank the good Lord every day for making me be a mom to my sweet baby boy.  He's my pride and joy and honestly can't even begin to imagine my life without him!
Fun lil flashback!  ;)

Saturday night at dinner, R was saying the prayer and said, "Thank you Jesus for making me and my mommy together..." The best way to start off my Mother's Day right there!

Hope all of you Mama's had a blessed Mother's Day as well!  =)


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