Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Project 365...Week 10 {Round 2}

{March 3}
Lovin' his new "Cupig Shuffle" pig he got for V day!

{March 4}
I love my sleeping baby!

{March 5}
New Jake & The Never Land Pirate book KeeKee got R!  We love it!

{March 6}
Middle Level Conference all day---so good to see old friends!  =)

{March 7}
Marble Slab with Poppy!

{March 8}
If you need to entertain a 3 year old at dinner...take them to Colton's the "cowboy restaurant!"  He was looking for Woody & Buzz the entire time!  Ha!  I told him they were busy at Disney World!

{March 9}
Playing out on KeeKee & Poppy's patio on the pretty day--in KeeKee's glasses of course!  ;P


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