Sunday, March 10, 2013

31 day blog 10

Day 10:  Daily routine
My week days aren't all the same.  Tuesday/Thursday I go to school all day, and Monday, Wednesday, Friday I am usually substitute they are always a bit different...but here is a typical sub day for me!

 5:55-6:10-Alarm goes off, and continues to go off, and I'm asking myself, "Is it really already time to get up??  Geeezz"

6:10-Roll outta bed to go start my pot of coffee if I hadn't set it up the night before.
I leave this angel sound asleep in bed...
 I always have to have some music going to get me up & running!
6:15-6:30-I straighten my hair and put my make up on...

...& enjoying my cup of joe!  If R hasn't woken up by 6:30 I usually go in there to wake him up & turn the TV on for him to watch.

6:30-I find something to wear for the day...& get dressed for the day.
6:40-I am getting R's clothes ready (he likes them warmed up in the dryer! Ha!) & throwing my lunch together.  This is usually what it consists of...

6:50-Getting R dressed, teeth brushed, and hair fixed & all his "friends" to take to school--usually just blanky & Tang.

7-We HAVE to be out the door by 7!  I drive R across town to his school.  We talk about being kind to his friends, having a nice heart and walking away from people when they are mean or ugly.  Sometimes I pray with him for him to have a good day.

7:15-Get to his school, take him and his "friends" in, wash his hands so he can get a sticker, sign him in, hang his jacket up, put his "friends" up in his cubbie, talk to some of his little friends that greet me, hug and kiss him good-bye and I'm out the door.
7:45-I usually get to the school I'm subbing at around this time.  Go to the office, sign in, get my name tag and head to the classroom I'm in for the day.
7:55-8:10-Get comfortable and read over what I'll be doing for the day.  Write my name and instructions for students up on the board and wait for them to arrive.

8:15-3:15-teach, teach, teach!  With lunch in between, whenever that may be depending on the grade I'm in.

3:15-Bell rings & I'm usually out the door....headed to get my little man!!
Fight school traffic all the way there...
3:45-Arrive at Ryder's school, go in and get him and all his stuff from the day, sign him out, let him say good bye to all of his friends, and we're out the door!  So glad to get my little guy back and ready to hear all about his day!

We usually stop at Sonic for Happy Hour, but this particular day we had a haircut back on the opposite side of town that I just came we rush back over there as soon as we can!
4:30-We are usually home by now, but today it's haircut time!  R loves getting his haircut and especially by Ms. Jennifer!  She has always done a great job...R is always asking me when his next appointment it!  Ha!

4:55-Leaving the haircut place & I asked R where he wanted to go & he said, "The place with the little shopping carts"--so off to Kroger we went!

They let you make your own cupcakes, so I let him pick one out and we sat and ate it at the deli section!  We had a blast!

5:30-Head home...and load everything up and out of the car.  R usually plays toys and/or watches TV while I do laundry, empty the dishwasher, pick up, etc. etc.

6:30-Usually eat dinner here or head over to my parents to eat with them.

7:45-Head home and start to get R's bath ready

8:20-Bath time is usually over.  I get R in his PJs, we watch some TV together, read a book, talk about life, etc.

8:50-Tell R goodnight and tuck him in.  I finally have the chance to get started on school work.  If it's not a school night for me, I usually watch a week old DVR'd TV show or read for class...

9:30-I usually take a shower, so my hair will have time to air dry a little bit before I go to bed...

10:30-11-I am usually headed to bed.  I will do my #shereadstruth quiet time then {even though I really want to start doing it in the mornings!!}, set my alarm, and close my eyes & prepare myself to do it all over again in the am!


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