Friday, March 1, 2013

31 day blog 1

I'm trying something new!  I am doing a 31 day blogging challenge!  I honestly saw it on IG and thought it looked like something fun and interesting to do, so I decided to take part!  I may not do it everyday but I am most definitely going to try, because I want to!  =)  It is hosted by Fabulous Finds By Tiffany & feel free to join in!  

This may be boring to some, but I know I'll be glad I did it one day...and you might learn a thing or two about me in the process!  =)  I miss writing like I used to, so this will be good for me!

Day 1:  self-portrait & 5 random facts about me!

1. I am the oldest grandchild on both sides of the family!  A bit spoiled before all the other cousins came along!  :P

2. I was originally a graphic design major before switching to middle level education.

3.  I like my creamer with a little bit of coffee.  I'm working on reversing this though.

4.  I only let myself eat Taco Bell if it's after midnight...because it just "feels right"--& the later it is, the worse it is for you I know...dumb!

5.  Me & my friends changed our HS marque sign once.  We stole gathered all the letters we needed from other marques around town to say what we wanted to say, and changed it in the middle of the night....It sounds dumb now, but we had a blast doing it!  =)

I'm linking up over at Fabulous Find by Tiffany!



  1. LOL! I drink my coffee the same way.

  2. What did you spell out your marquee to say? Found you from the 31 day challenge?

  3. That's funny. Little pranks are fun, especially when you're in High School. You sound like my husband, he likes a lot of milk and sugar with a splash of coffee.


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