Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How baby things have changed!

As I was strolling through the baby section at Target this morning, I saw SO many things that I wasn't familiar with!  Yes, my baby will be four in September, but could things have really changed that much since he was a little bit, and I shopped in the baby section at Target on a weekly basis?  Yes, they have!  Even right after he was born, stuff came out that I was like, "Oh man...I wish that would have been around when Ryder was born."  Things are constantly changing, and I'm sure they will be even more different my next time around!
I've always loved this Boon grass drying rack...So cute & practical!  They are actually on sale this week!
 & these "Twigs" that you can stick in the grass to hold bottle nipples and lids etc...pretty cute!
 This were brand new right when Ryder was born, and you couldn't find there very many places.  Now, they are every where, and I think they would have been great for a little one!  Especially since wipes easily dry their skin out..these are perfect and nice and gentle on their soft skin.
 Let's talk about these cool little boogers!  So jealous of the Mama's these days that can just hand these to their kids in the grocery store & call it dinner!  Nope...didn't have these "back in the day"!  ;)  I like the wide variety of these, that you can buy them in organic if you want, and the convince of them!  They've been around for a while now...but they're still cool!  
& how about these mounts you can put in your cabinets to hold all those pouches?  Even better!

But what if you want to make your own baby food, but want the easy accessibility of the travel pouches?!  Well, there's something for that too!
This little machine helps you fill up your own pouches, with your OWN baby food!  You can buy the new pouches at Target as well!  I seriously love this!  I made a lot of R's baby food, and want to do so again in the future.  This is the best of both worlds!

I know this was a random post...but I am just amazed!  This was also for all you new Mama's out there--enjoy what's out there these days and get all this cool stuff since I couldn't!  :P


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