Sunday, January 13, 2013

Project 365...Week 2 {Round 2}

{January 6}
We recently started (re-watching) an old Yo Gabba Gabba DVD...and R remembered this lil fellas he had gotten for his birthday, that were put up in his room.  Well, they are now essentials to going to sleep at night!  ;)

{January 7}
I love just looking at this sweet boy--especially while he sleeps.

{January 8}
We are loving having a TV in my room!  It has made things easier in the mornings!  R loves it too!  =)

{January 9}
While doing my QT, I found a little treat in my journal from a special little someone!  ;)

{January 10}
 JB concert.  Need I say more?  More dets coming soon.

{January 11}
Friday  night at home & in bed.  Couldn't be happier. Working on stuff on the computer, cuddled up next to my boy in his footed pajamas watching Yo Gabba, while listening to the rain outside.

{January 12}
 I love getting up on Saturday mornings with this fella & taking him to get donuts!  Check out that outfit!  I just had to document!  ;)

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