Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas Morning

A couple of years ago, me and my brother and Ryder all started to stay at my parent's house on Christmas Eve.  We had all permanently moved out and this was just a fun time for us to all be together and it made it much simpler on Christmas morning!  

Ryder didn't wake up until about 8:30...and he did the sweetest thing!  He rolled over in bed and looked up at me and said, "Merry Christmas Mom!"  How did he remember that soon after waking up?  I don't even know if I had remembered it was Christmas morning yet!  I will never forget that special moment with my sweet boy!
Yes..KeeKee and Poppy got my crazy child a drum set!  But...he LOVES it, so it's ALL worth it!  =)

Sweet boy before waking up...
Santa did pretty good & brought him everything he asked for!  Which mainly included an accordion and shaving cream!  Hehe!
Getting new slippers has become a tradition and I think Santa will try and continue with's just too much fun looking for new ones for him, and he just loves wearing them around the house!

We all had so much fun watching him dig through both of his stockings (Mama Santa and KeeKee and Poppy Santa...lucky dog!  ;) )  He got so excited about the littlest a things and just kept saying "Thank You!"  Warmed my heart!

I got some wonderful surprise gifts that I didn't know about which is always FUN!

My mom made this notepad (it really is bound like a real notepad you buy at the store) that is a form for me to leave with the teacher I am subbing for each day this semester.  I am so excited about this new adventure and know that it will just get me that much more ready and excited to have my own classroom soon and  VERY soon!  I can now say I graduate in less than a year!  WAHOO!  Mom even painted the back of the clipboard that the notepad goes onto in leopard print!  LOVE IT!  She did good!  Thanks mom!  =) There are some major perks to having a mom that works in the field you are going into...I should have started listening to her a LONG time ago!  ;)
Please laugh at the tacky "rudolph" sucker he has in mouth!  Kinda freaky lookin'...but he is GETTIN' IT on those drums!
& on his accordion...he LOVES it!
This is mom's beautiful sign we got her!  She recently re-did her kitchen in golds, blacks, old metal and turquoise!  Random bunch of colors I know...but they look GREAT together!  She has been wanting this sign for a while, and definitely needed it for a BIG open wall in her kitchen--I'll have to take a picture of it now hanging up because it looks FABULOUS!  We ordered it from Aimee Weaver Designs.  A very talented lady to work with that's for sure!
Loving his new cash register!  This isn't something he asked for, but I knew he would love it just as much as I did as a kid!  ;)
Using his new fancy tooth-bruth and getting ready to head to Christmas at Mimi & Pawpaw's!  I am sad to say, this is all the pictures I got for the day (including non of us together :( )  Luckily I got R back from his dad before the snow got TOO bad, but it was a close call!
Mom made a wonderful Christmas lunch for us, and we just enjoyed our time at home instead of going to the movies like we normally do...which was fine by me!

Such a fun and merry Christmas with my family--I loved every minute of it!  It's so hard to believe that it is all over with so quickly after all the effort that we seem to put into it!--But definitely worth it all!  =)


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