Friday, October 26, 2012

Lil Park Date

Yesterday and today I am on Fall Break from school.  I decided to keep R home with me yesterday so that we could spend the day together!  It was almost 85 we headed out to the park after lunch and he was SO excited!  Poppy takes him to the park a lot, but I don't always get to!  We had fun!

This popped up while sitting at the park...& the scary thing is there was an ice cream truck "van" in the parking lot.  Kinda freaked me out...
True life dear devil I swear...!

Then we went on a lil walk around the area we drive by EVERY day...

We went to this tree & picked up leaves of all the different colors for a little project... 
Then we swung together & headed back home!
But not with someone asking if we could go to Maggie's first!  ;)  He told me how to get there & of course we stopped & got a few smiley face cookies!  =)


1 comment:

  1. ha! I have lots of friends that name their wifi FBISurveillance I'm sure it was just someone being funny. When I lived in an apartment and picked up like 10 different signals, they were all named funny things like "hey you mooching my wifi" and "clickhereifyouliketostealmyinternet"


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