Tuesday, September 25, 2012

R's First UCA Football Game!

Saturday afternoon we headed up to Mommy's school to do a little tailgatin' with Poppy's bank before the big game against Sam Houston!  We even got to see Uncle G & all his buddies which is always fun!  R loves them so much & we don't get to see them as much now that G doesn't live at home.  

I've taken him to tailgate before, but we've never actually made it into the game...but we conquered that adventure on Saturday!  

He was seriously soaking it UP before the game even started!  Let's just say he loves the cheerleaders & the band!--could actually care less about the football players!  :P
Singing the National Anthem...

{Please ignore the popcorn KM :O--KeeKee let him have it once & told him not to tell me...so now he loves it!  ;) :P }
By halftime...this is what he was doing!  So...we watched the band & left!  It was a great experience though & I'm glad I took him!  We might even make it back this year for another one!


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