Monday, September 10, 2012

Birthday Eve Eve

On Friday night, mom & I met up to go get R some last minute things at the toy store & then picked him up from school, picked Poppy up & headed to LR!  We were going to pick Tonya up from the airport, but met Aunt Kathy (who was already here) at Pei Wei for dinner first!  Oh how I LOVE that place!  =)

Our table number was 33 which I thought was just perfect to kick off R's 3rd birthday weekend!  & he is always obsessed with those table numbers!  Ha!

Afterwards, Aunt Kathy had something for little man in the car!  He was excited--his FIRST birthday present this year!  ;)

Pure excitement!  Nothing beats that facial expression to me!  =)

He got a firefighter transformer robot thing!  He named him Robot Ray!  We went & picked Ton up at the airport & actually ran into Allison coming home from a business trip!  We all got out Starbucks fix & headed back home!  

When we left LR it was 94 on the car temp the time we got back in town it was 73.  CRAZINESS!  It was raining & lightening like never before...driving down Dave Ward we saw lightening strike, then the WHOLE sky turned greenish-blue & then all the electricity went out.  It was the weirdest thing!  R was getting a bit scared in the car because we were all saying "Oh my gosh...did you see that?!"  "Wow!"  etc. so I told him to recite his ISaiah 43:5 verse & reminded him that we are not supposed to be afraid because He is always with us!  Very appropriate for the situation I thought & loved that he had just learned that verse!

Stay tune for more birthday FUN!  =)


1 comment:

  1. LOVE that you are teaching him scripture and to use it! Can't wait to have kids to do that too!


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