Sunday, July 15, 2012

Headin' to Church-

Going to church is something Ryder looks forward to every week & that makes a Mama so happy!  We always have to park in the back of the parking lot, so we have a pretty good walk...& I've taught him how to always look for cars.  So...he ruuuuuuns through the parked cars & then immediately STOPS when he gets to the end of them, & then ruuuuuuns again, & STOPS!  It is just too funny!  He talks to everyone as we walk through the doors & says, "How's your day?"  "Good morning!"  "Thank you for my bulletin."  It cracks me UP!  I am thankful just to make it to the pre-school wing to sign him in in one piece!  Ha!

Here's my sweet lil man on his journey into church a few Sundays back...



  1. How cute is he with that backpack? And I love the font on it is monogrammed with!

  2. He is such a CUTIE! I love how he talks to everyone! Westin does that too and it is so funny!


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