Saturday, July 28, 2012

30 before 30

I saw a friend do this a while back, & I immediately wanted to do it.  So I started my list while sitting in class one day listening to lecture!  :P  Some of these things are already in the works, but they are still GOALS.  Others, I am just hoping will happen!  ;)  Some...I'm not so sure about, but I guess that's what makes them good "goals"...

1. Graduate college
2. Get a teaching job
3. Get married
4. Have at least 1 more child...
5. Work out on a regular basis
6. Run a 5K {still not sure about this one, but it sounds good!  :P}
7. Continue to be a blogger
8. Honeymoon/get married in St. Lucia or Punta Cana
9. Take Ryder to Disney World {probably when he's ten, so exactly when I'm 30}
10. Finish decorating/furnishing my house the EXACT way I want it to be
11. Attend ESL program
12. Get my Masters?? {not REAL sure about this one either!}
13. Buy myself a Michael Kors watch
14. Grow my Scentsy business
15. Get my 09.09.09 tattoo
16. Have/host a gender reveal party
17. Send my parents away some where for vacation...
18. Create an enjoyable/nice backyard
19. Attend a Justin Bieber concert
20. Donate my hair to Locks of Love for the second time
21. Spend Christmas away some where
22. Go more organic
23. Grow a garden
24. Get back to pre-pregnancy weight {something I've never done...}
25. Get laser hair removal {not so sure about this one either...but it'd be nice!}
26. Take a girls trip some where FUN!
27. Take Ryder to a Razorback game
28. Meet up with some bloggers...
29. Learn how to grill
30. private... ;)

Guess that's all...I'll try & update as I get the chance to mark things off my list!


1 comment:

  1. Couch to 5k is the BEST way to run a 5k. I didn't think I would be able to do it, and i now enjoy running! Next goal is 10k!


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