Wednesday, December 14, 2011

We've turned a new leaf!

With Ryder being sick, he has acted pretty good for "being sick"...but heaven forbid you tell the kid that "he's sick!" because he will say, "I'M NOOOOT SIICCCKK!"  It's kinda funny actually.  & he says that I'm not sick either & is always asking me if I "feel better?"  Too precious!

Even though he has played well, he still hasn't been his complete self...UNTIL LAST NIGHT!

Amy watched him yesterday while I had to keep him home from school--so I could go & take my final.  SOO thankful for her!  =)  Afterwards we went to Chick to eat lunch & my child squeezed a ketchup packet SO hard that it exploded all over him.  This was after I had wiped it off of his face & hair!  :O  I seriously just stood there & said "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!"  Seriously...never a dull moment around here!  ;)

He went over to my parents for alittle bit last night while I studied...& when I went back over there to get him, he was seriously a NEW KID!  You could tell he felt good & "wasn't sick" & was finally getting back to the same ole crazy Ryder we'd missed the last few days!  That sure will make a Mama happy!  =)

I found him like this last night when we were about to go to bed...I just couldn't help but laugh!

Isn't that just precious?  I love him so much!  He is the sweetest little boy & loves his Mama so much!  He makes me so happy & I seriously can't imagine my life without him!

Sleeping hard after a long day...I love that little face!

One last CUUUTE is this hat?!?  I'm seriously thinking about getting one with Ryder's name on it!  It would be great for the coming months, especially if it SNOWS!  =)

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