Sunday, October 2, 2011

Weekly catch-all...

So...I survived the week!  I honestly thought I might not there for a few days!  I stayed up until 2 am EVERY night last week & was up & ready to go by 7!  I also got a nasty head cold on top of being tired, so THANK YOU Afrin for keeping me able to breath & I seriously sounded like a man there a few days!  Here are a few pics from our week...I have gotten to be terrible with my regular camera, so thank goodness for the good'ole iPhone!

Poor baby falls asleep EVERY night in his high chair.  This was Wednesday night, Pop Pops took him to the park where he wouldn't really eat much (DUH!) & then came home & took a bath while I was in I was trying to feed him before bed time, but it didn't really happen!  :P

I love his lil coon skin hat!  He was "feeding" his giraffe grapes the other morning, WITH his hat on...pretty much BACKWARDS!  Never dull around here--THAT'S for sure!  =)

I have been on the hunt for a nice looking/not cheap looking fur vest.  EM had some GORGEOUS ones, but no way was I spending 88 dollars on a fur vest...I mean that's a new pair of jeans!  I have wanted one since last year, so I knew I was going to get me one this year!  I had some birthday money left over so of course I hit up TJ Maxx the other day before I had to go pick up lil butt from school & scored this Willie Smith fur vest for $39.99...& it SO totally doesn't look like "fake" fur ya know?  There are also some cute two-toned ones in the little girls section at Target for 24 dollars...b/c I could squeeze in the XXL! we'll see!  Do you have a fur vest?  How do you plan on wearing it?

Ryder is into "coloring"--look at the concentration on that face as he colors his coloring book with a pen!  This makes a mama happy!  =)

AND.....THIS MY FRIENDS!--is what it's ALLLLL about!  Tiger Tunes is THIS WEEKEND & I canNOT wait!  The clubs never disappoint, but I am excited about one show in particular!  "Where no WOman has Gone Before!"  I hope & know that it is going to be as great as I hear it is & can't wait to see so many "old" just good & sweet friends! =)

One more before I let you go...Ryder asks me to take his picture now sometimes!  He will bring me my phone, "put" something on thats "cuuuute" & say "take picture!"  This was one of those times...& he put the glasses on all by himself (hence the crooked-ness!)  :P

We had a much needed relaxing weekend.  I didn't get my Fall decor out, but that's okay!  There is always tomorrow!  Sometimes I just wish I could "do it all" & not be so tired afterwards...being a single mom wears me out sometimes, but I wouldn't trade having my lil booger for anything in the world!  =)

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