Saturday, September 10, 2011

Trixi Louis

Before I address all the birthday festivities, I have to acknowledge a good bye my family had to say on Thursday.  The day before Ryder's 2nd birthday.  At least it will make it easy for us to remember.

My parents have a 10.5 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Trixi.  She has always eaten anything & EVERYTHING she can find.  If you leave any kind of food out, wrapped up or not, on the floor or on the kitchen table, she will get it!  This had often caused her to get sick when she ate too much, but we learned that she would just need to stay outside a few days & then she would be okay.  Even though she always tried to do our best about now leaving any kind of food out, she always found something, whether he it in the neighbors trash or a left over Sonic bag in the game room.

On Labor Day weekend she started throwing up excessively & we again just figured she had eaten something bad, & would be over it in a few days.  She didn't get better & actually only got worse.

Mom took her in to the vet on Tuesday & they told her it looked like she had pancreatitis & her kidneys weren't functioning right, but with some fluids she would probably be fine.

I haven't always loved Trixi, but I did LOVE her.  She was a GREAT dog, & over the passed year has become one of Ryder's best friends!  He would chase her around, & then turn it around & she would chase him!  They just had fun together & he was always looking for her the second he got to my parent's house.  I was never mean to her, but I just never paid her too much attention...& I regret that now, because she really was a good dog.  I just got mad at her when she would bark & be obnoxious the very few times she was.

The next few days she continued to get worse instead of better.  I didn't get a chance to go & tell her bye, because when mom saw her after school on Thursday she knew there wasn't any hope & they had done all that they could do.

I hate it more for Ryder than I do for myself.  Yes, he may not ever remember her, but it's hard explaining to him now that he won't see Trixi again.  When she was at the vet the first few days we told him she was "sick" & at the "doctor".

Mom held her as she went quietly & peacefully, but it's still so sad.  The vet sad that just over time, dogs age & their organs start to shut down & that's what happened to Trixi.

Mom thought she wouldn't want another dog until summer so she could potty train them while she at home for the summer, but she is already itching for something new!  =)

We went out to Panera Thursday night to celebrate Trixi's life.  She was a a super sweet & cute little dod to me & my brother & to Ryder for 2 years!  I'm just glad she got to be apart of his life for that long.

When we go to my parent's now Ryder walks in & expects Trixi to bark.  :/  He says, "Where Trixi?"  "She sick?"  "Doctor?"  & we just tell him day he will understand.

I couldn't find any pictures of her on my computer, but I think my mom has some I'm going to try & get later.

1 comment:

  1. So sad! I remember when your parents got her as a puppy. She was so sweet! I'm so sorry for your whole family. Sad to hear she's gone!


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