Saturday, July 9, 2011

Phone Pics!

I have been so behind on phone there are ALOT!

{Dad rockin' his Beta Beta shirt on Father's Day!}

{We went to get sno cones & Ryder fell in love with the automatic carwash.  Hanging out with Mr. Grant!}

{Crazy Punkin' one morning when he got up while mommy was at school & Mary Beth was watching him!}

{This is how I try to do homework while Ryder is awake...}

{Miss Abby telling Ryder a story on the patio!}

{Sweet Punkin' & Mary Beth in the nursery one Sunday!}

{Playing in his sandbox for the first time!}

{He snuck on top of Uncle G's new toy!}

{Rockin' Uncle G's Costas!}

{Asleep with all his friends....including Chuck}

{Friday night date with Uncle G--Chick & a trip to Target!}

{He put his flip flops on one morning WITH his socks on!  Ha!}

{& then he got some of my bracelets & necklaces & stacked them on his arm!}

{From a book my brother got for graduation--1000 things you should know before leaving the house.  I'll let #506 speak for itself...}

{Thought this was a great quote...}

{Ryder's first very own FroYo!  Orange Sherbert & Birthday Cake!  YUMM!}

{Sno cone run with the friends!}

{This child has learned to LOOOVE some watermelon!}

{This kinda made me sad...I've always wanted to believe in the Lockness Monster}

{Sweet boy with his FAVORITE babysitter!}

{Cow appreciation day @ Chick (more pics to come!)}

{He has gotten brave & now jumps in the water without me catching him!}

{I got my first Campus Collection warmer in the other day...I loved it!}

{My sweet brother tweetin' about his Scentsy!}

That's all folks...I'm gonna try & do better with my weekly phone pics now that I'm out of SS!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. we have the arkansas warmer too.. LOVE it! and your little guy is so cute... AND i didn't know your dad was a beta? great shirt, too! i love following your blog friend. :))


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