Tuesday, May 10, 2011

20 months...

I know I say this every month, but is it already time for him to be one month older?  We are now in the 20s.  Just 4 short months away from his 2nd birthday!  I better decided on a theme SOON.  This time last year, his first birthday was just about finished!  :P

I love how much me & Ryder can actually communicate now.  He really is my best friend & sometimes I joke & say he's my boyfriend!  Hehe!  He is EVERYTHING to me!  We are rarely apart, & I hate to miss anything he's up to!
This was yesterday on his actually monthly birthday.  The little booger sneaks GULPS of my Sonic drinks!  :P  He knows he's not supposed to too...& it's funny when he gets caught!

Today was one of the most perfect days that I can remember.  We got to sleep in a little bit (he is my alarm clock these days) ate some breakfast & then literally...no lie, spent the rest of the day outside!  Only coming in to eat lunch & for him to take naps!

I didn't have to get on to him for anything today, never spanked his hand, threatened to spank him...he didn't throw one temper tantrum!  It was just such a nice, enjoyable day with him!  I have started laying out a little bit while he plays & even though I end up in a pool of my own sweat, it's worth it!  :P We might have to get a pool here soon!
{breakin' it down}
{still dancin' like a fool}

I thought this morning I needed to dress him up cute, fix his hair, put on PRESENTABLE shoes...but then I thought, no.  I'm just going to keep it real & give you a REAL idea of what it's like at our house these sweet spring, almost summer days!  We go through multiple socks & shorts a day from mud & sometimes a few shirts if I let him have cottage cheese, yogurt or apple sauce to eat which usually makes a HUGE mess!
So...even though this might not be the most "ideal" outfit.  It is Ryder.  It is what he likes, & mommy doesn't get upset when it all gets muddy!  :P  I am slowly learning that he is a boy & is going to get muddy.  I need to just let it happen, & EMBRACE it!
He still LOVES baseball, Pops actually took him out to YBMA last night to watch some ball games.  Of course...he LOVED it & talked about it all day!

Crazy child put his sippy cup inside a cup & drank it like that!  I guess he thought he was being "grown-up"!
Then he was spitting outside the window of his car, because that is what his Pops, Dah-Dah, Uncle & PawPaw do...they are all working on this!  :P

{can you see his hair drenched in sweat behind his ears?}

{we busted out the chalk today for the first time}

{& bubbles..he loved to run after them}
{this is my view for the day!  ;)}
Pops left his gloves in the yard over the weekend & Ryder found them today & brought them to me like this & then was waving "hi" at the cars that went by with the gloves on!  Ha!

20 month stats:

-18-24 & 24 month clothes, some 2T that are a little big
-Size 4 diapers
-LOVES cottage cheese, finishes a whole bowl of it before I can even get the container put away!
-Obviously loves to be outside!
-He is in to flip flops as well as boots!
-Loves to walk around in my heels-too funny!
-We snuggle every night before bed, & this is very important to him!
-He is perfectly happy when it's time to go to bed, & asks to say "amen"...
-He has started to watch a little TV, Mickey Mouse Club House in the mornings & Fireman Sam @ KeeKee's
-He LOVES his babysitter Mary Beth...maybe TOO much!  He asks for her at random times, & when I mention her, he runs to the front door looking for her to walk in & then cries when she's not there.  It's sweet!  It makes leaving my sweet boy so easy!
-After he gets out of the bath, he lays down on the rug in a ball & "hides" under the towel & pops out & says "Pook-A-Boo". 
-I then carry him to his room like a "baby" wrapped up in his towel & he says "bay-bee" SO sweet!
-He LOVES milk.  I have had to cut back on how much I have been giving him at night because he's been leaking out of his diaper.  
-He thinks we can't "snuggle" without my "snuggie!"
-He will take clothes that he finds & go & put them in the dryer (clean or dry) because that's where he thinks they "go"
-He loves the church nursery so much & literally runs straight there from the car when we get there on Sundays.
-Uncle G taught him how to say "uncle" better, & for a while he just called Uncle G "uncle" for a while!
-He thinks anything & everything needs & can be swung as a bat..
-Instead of listing what he can say, it would be easier to list what he can't say...
-He repeats anything I say...& sometimes he says words & points to things I didn't even know he knew!  

I LOVE this age!  Some days are tough with terrible-twos rearing it's head, but days like today...I am so thankful for my sweet little boy!  I hope he is a Mama's boy forever...even though it probably won't happen, I am soaking it up now for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Ryder is just too cute!!! My niece, Neela, will be two on December 1st :) they would have so much fun together!! haha I love reading about Ryder since I don't have any nephews...little boys are slightly foreign to me! haha (and I'm the only hope left for my parents to have a grandson - one day - so I'm secretly hoping I have at least one boy!)


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