Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Some of my random thoughts...

My son actually sits & watches TV now!

He was fasinated last night by all the African animals & music on The Bachelor...he def did his Justin Bieber dance!

I officially signed him up for MDO for next Fall yesterday & I've wanted to do this for so long but have been anxiously waiting till he was old enough at 18 months. So the day finally came...& I balled like a baby the whole way home! He doesnt even start till August!!! I know that he is going to love it so much though! He LOVES other kids & it will be great for him to learn & grow!

btw...Happy Birthday to the lil cute Justin Bieber! :)

I am currently obsessed with Italian dressing! I could drink it out of the bowl after I'm done with a salad, I dip my pizza in it & I just drizzled it on top of my hot pasta lunch! YUMM! It's just THAT good!

The earthquakes are still happening pretty much...nonstop! It's just all an unbelievable thing to me! If I have more time, I want to do a whole post on them & my theory on what's actually causing them! It's VERY interesting actually! I still can't believe the whole STATE felt the one on Sunday night. I'll admit I was scared! I felt it coming & had half a second to prepare myself, then my house rumbled (worse than most bc it's an older home on wood instead of concrete) & I was just like "did that really just happen?!". I called my mom & she actually felt it this time too! She was sitting in the rolly computer chair in the office & just thought Trixi bumped her chair! Ha!

Up until yesterday I thought Chantel O. was going to win Brad's heart, but after last night I'm thinking it's gonna be Emily! We shall see...two more weeks!

Some days I feel like I'm so on top of things...school, Ryder, my house, grocery shopping etc & then BAMM the night day I feel so behind & my to-do list has a MILLION things on it...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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