Friday, February 18, 2011

outside, birthday dinner & bye bye!

With it being SO pretty & feeling so great outside, I have HAD to let Punkin' get out & play!  It feels like we've been cooped up for MONTHS...oh wait, we have!  He loves being outdoors & just cries & cries when I don't let him out to's hard to get inside housework done when he's outside!  :P  ;)  But I am always happy to see how happy he is when he is out running around, so it's ALL worth it!

He's never tried to climb up the slide before, so I was happy to see him learning what the steps are for!
He would much rather push & pull his wagon than ride in it!  :P
Mom's birthday is on Sunday, & dad was leaving town this morning & would be gone on her birthday, so we went out & celebrated last night!  We were gonna go to Mike's, but then decided on a little Bistro in town that's a nice change for all of us!  It was DELISH & we all LOVED our food!  I just had a bad feeling that Punkin' wasn't going to be very good for us...just because were weren't going out to eat, "just to go out to eat" we were going out for mom's birthday.  Well...I was right.  He was wild.  Got jelly every where, lifted up the table cloth & knocked over G's drink, screamed a few times, hit a few things, spit out his food & gave it to G etc. etc. etc. I think he sat in our of our laps at one time or another.  G was very helpful to actually let me eat for five minutes without worrying about Punkin'.
{I think Ryder was saying "G"}
{LOVE this pic of my parents!}
{yeah, as good as it was gonna get.  G was mad @ this point at Ryder.  my arm looks fat}
G & I went & did a lil shopping I needed to do, while mom, dad & Ryder went home.  Dad needed to pack for his trip!  When we got back, we let mom open presents!  We got her a new black HoBo, a pretty darn cool Vera Bradley umbrella that OPENS & CLOSES with a push of a button, Ryder got her some cute notecards, & a gift card to the Kitchen Store!  =)  Hope she had a Happy Birthday...even though it's not even till Sunday!  ;)
Before we left, we gave Pop's one last hug & kiss before he left for the DR the next day!  He's only gonna be gone 4 days, but we sure will miss him!  We know he is enjoying himself, seeing another part of the world for the first time, & sharing the word of Jesus Christ with others!

1 comment:

  1. Oh HI THERE Baldwins!!

    Love this Kati! Ryder is just too precious.


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