Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Special Day!

Today was a perfect, & GREAT day!  I didn't even really "plan" it which is SO not like me, but it turned out to be so memorable & I grew to love my son EVEN more!  I made him chocolate chip banana nut bread mini muffins last night & of course he LOOOOVED them! He kept calling them "tooties" (cookies) I guess cause they had chocolate chips in them!  :P

I let him open his presents while he was eating his breakfast, so I knew he couldn't run away so I could take some pictures!  Ha!

 I've just been picking little things up here & there the last few weeks for him when I think of something, or see something he has to have!  I LOVE Bright Baby books, & we have a "color" one & I found "animals", "trucks" & "first words" at TJ Maxx & snagged them up because I just LOVE them!  We have already looked through all the new ones today & there are so many great pictures & new words I can't wait for him to learn!
I also got him a loofa scrubby thing for the bath tube because he LOVES mine, bath water color changing tablet things, some bath markers & a Thomas the train DVD because I am trying to get him to enjoy watching movies!  Still NOT gonna happen!!
This boy sure does LOVE to eat!!!
I made this a while back using my Silhouette & never took pictures of it to show!  I like it but don't LOVE it...these were the only Valentine's Day paper Hobby Lobby had besides pink & it was just too much black for me...it needed more red!  But by the time I realized that I was NOT driving back across town & knew it would work for this year!

Punkin' took a SUPER long nap after we played a little bit this morning & then I got him up, got him dressed & we headed out for the day!  It was SO pretty out & SO hard to believe that there was SNOW on the ground...& LOTS of it...just a few days ago!  That's ARKANSAS for ya! 
He just loves being outside SO much & I am ready for the spring weather to stick around so we can play out there every day!  It's still a bit too muddy to play outside though for us...
I have heard a few requests for the mohawk again, or asking where it went!  His hair is just too long for it right now...I miss it too sometimes.  I'm just scared to go get it cut again because they butchered it so bad last time...(even though I'll take him back to my stylist).  It is getting long & stringy!  :/
We went to Maggie's cookies for a little treat..."tootie"!  I got him a smiley & we got KeeKee & Pop's a bag of goodies each & were gonna go surprise them at work!  Thank goodness for that bib because that boy can make a MESS!
Pops was pretty happy to see us, & I just prayed the whole way there that he would be in the office when we got there!  Luckily he was..& all his coworkers & Ryder got to show off for all of them a little bit!  He said "Hobby Lobby" for them which is SOOOO funny!  Oh he's a hoot!

Next we surprised KeeKee at her school!  I had never taken him up there before because of germs!  ECCCKK!!  He did great though!  One story...the navy blue chairs that most schools had are what's in my mom's room.  Well, Ryder walked up to them & said "de-dus" aka Jesus.  We were like what's he talking about?!  Then mom figured it out...those are the same chairs that are in the nursery on Sunday's!  This amazed me!  I have practiced saying "Jesus" with him but never really talked about him to him!  I didn't even know he had put "church" & "Jesus" together!  He amazes me every day!

He cried when it was time to leave & yelled "Tee-Tee" across the room as we were walking out the door...  :/
Then of course we went to our favorite place...CHICK!  I got him his first kid's meal all for himself, hoping he was hungry like he was last time we were there!  He didn't eat as much as I thought he would, but he ate enough!  He LOVED that juice box!
We did a little playing all by ourselves, because no one is there at 4 pm!  Ha!  

I can definitely say he is beyond my favorite Valentine EVER & ALWAYS will be!  He is so sweet & special to me, more than words can ever say!  Mama loves you Punkin! =)

1 comment:

  1. It's crazy how much he looks like your dad and Garrett!


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