Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Day!

Santa came & did his duties, & even ate most of the milk & cookies!  I couldn't wait to go wake Ryder up for him to see what Santa brought him!  Amy, Tonya & Luke were all here, so they were excited for little man as well!

He IS his mother's son, & did NOT want to get up, sweet boy!  :P  It was quite early, because we were supposed to be at my parent's between 9 & 930!

He did not care one single thing about the tent & tunnel, which Santa knew he would JUST LOVE...but he went straight for the xylophone, so that made mommy happy!
We even all took turns going on the tent, to see if he would such luck.  LOOK at that madness!  :P
Then I let him open some presents from me.  He got some new books, a new sippy, & some pajamas!  He LOVES new clothes
I had decided a while back I wanted to start collecting different Christmas books to have to read to Ryder through out each month of December.  My goal is to have 25, one for each day, & as he gets older, can pick one out of the basket to read each night!  I'm going to get him a new Christmas book each year to add to our collection.  I found Mike Huckabee's children's book at Hastings & knew we had to have it!  It has a great story line that I hope teaches my lil man a lesson or two!  :P

After that we all got ready!  WOW was that small bathroom with 3 people & a baby...YES--VERY interesting!  :P
We walked across the street to my parent's to see what Santa brought us over there!
All of our stuff is usually sitting out in the living room, but Punkin's was in Uncle G's room so he wouldn't find it before he was supposed to!  He got a little red wagon from "Santa" at KeeKee & Pops, but all he cared about was his shopping cart...his manly shopping cart I might add!  :P
Look at that boy go...already poppin' wheelies!  That kept him entertained the rest of the day...he didn't open one other present himself mommy had twice the work cut out for her in opening presents!  We both got a ton of great things, & I love when my mom pulls off surprises!  She's a great gift giver & Santa always knows JUST what we want!  :P
We ate some yummy breakfast burritos, monkey bread, fruit & some orange juice & just hung out for a while.  It quickly became time for someone to take a nap, so we loaded up all our goodies in our lil red wagon & headed back across the street!--(How handy that thing actually was!)
This is him riding in it for the first time...
Headed across the street for "nap time!"  & yes...all three of us got a good nap!

When Punkin' woke up a few hours later, we headed back to my parent's for Christmas "lunch" & for some fun games!
Santa brought me & G a Kinect for the Xbox to share...with Dance Central & a sports game.  WE.LOVE.IT!  SOOOOO much fun!  We spent most of the afternoon playing that!
Even Pops got up there & they were racing in hurdles...probably my favorite "sport" to play!  HA!

We had a yummy pork tenderloin, rolls, twice baked potato casserole, green beans & many different desserts for Christmas lunch.  We were all stuffed & worn out by the end of the day!  We are so blessed, & I am so thankful for my family & just being able to be with them on Christmas!
For this little guy to get worn out, he must have had a BUSY day...& he did!  He passed out like this while we were playing Kinect & we went home to go to bed shortly after!

1 comment:

  1. Love all of the pictures!! Looks like ya'll had a wonderful Christmas :)


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