Sunday, October 10, 2010

a lil bit about me!

{one} grilled or fried?
Mainly grilled...except for french fries!  I went through a stage in college where I got SO disgusted with fried food & WHAT it actually was & couldn't stand to even be around it (except for fries of course! :P)  But I'm over that phobia now, but still mainly go with grilled!

{two} if you could change one thing about where you live, without worrying about money, what would you change?
Probably build a pool & grill/patio area out in the backyard for entertaining...& a fence to keep lil man contained!  :P

{three} what is your favorite time of day?
Sadly, when it's time to go to bed...I LOVE sleep!  But walking in Punkin' room each morning to him grinning at me SO big is also pretty fulfilling!

{four} what’s your favorite cereal?
I haven't eaten cereal regularly since I was pregnant & I had Honey Comb then!  I had the after taste milk & cereal leave in your mouth!

{five} do you open your mouth when you put mascara on?
Pretty sure I do...I thought it was impossible not to?!

{six} if you could make any fictional character come to life, which would it be?
Harry Potter.  I want to go to school at Hogwarts.!

{seven} what are your favorite pizza toppings?
Hawaiian!  Canadian bacon & pineapple!  =)

{eight} are you a heavy or a light sleeper?
I'd say light, but especially since Ryder, I'll wake up to anything at night.

{nine} what is your favorite board game?
Growing up...Sorry!  Haven't played a board game in a long time!

{ten} what star/celebrity do most people say you look like?
I can't say anyone's ever told me I look like a celebrity!  HA! Oh...except for Dawn Scott?!

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