Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday Ramblings...

-Real class today.  Learned alot in Earth Science.  I'm going to have to make myself enjoy World History.  Geometric Structures..is...interesting.
-Punkin' has been EXTRA whiny lately.  I'm hoping it just his teeth (he still only has 4).
-He has been jibber-jabbing so much more lately!  I even get a MA-MAH out of him alot!
-He would play outside 24/7 if I would let him.
-The love for the outdoors has resulted in more than one bath a day a few times!  :O
-He gets so red and hot when he plays outside...  :/
-Pops leave for Colorado tomorrow to go Elk hunting!
-We sure are gonna miss him, and I KNOW he's gonna miss his Punkin' even more!
-I hope he gets a BIG ONE!  He never has, and has gone for 5 or 6 years now!  He has been working so hard loosing weight, and getting in shape, we would love for him to come home with a kill!
-I have been trying to get Punkin' to lay down earlier at night, so A)he won't sleep in as late (causing me to sleep in when I don't have class and wasting half of my day away) & B)so I can't get stuff done at night before 11!
-We went & ate at the state's newest Panera tonight!  I had never been, and I LOVED it! Most people wouldn't like what I got, but it was perfect for ME!  Mozzarella & tomato basil panini!
-I haven't blogged in a while because @NickJacobsen told me I am almost out of space on my computer and won't be able to upload but a few pictures on my computer.  #mustbyexternalharddrive
-I have Punkin's invites ALMOST ready to be mailed out!  Just need some stamps!  We'll do that tomorrow!
-We all get water when we go out to eat now.   Saves dad at LEAST 10 bucks!  (I should ask him for the difference!)  :P
-I LOOOVE my new place & am loving cooking dinner on my own again!
-I love finding & trying new semi-easy recipes online!  Send some my way!
-I guess you could say I've found a new found love for cooking.  I never-EVER thought this day would come!
-I miss @KellySMagee.  So does Punkin.
-I cannot believe my baby will be 1.  NEXT.WEEK.
-This time last year, I was so.miserable.  I was one day OVER my due date, and could NOT believe that my Punkin' wasn't here yet.
-Sometimes I see pregnant ladies and cry, because I want another one.  But then I realize I'm crazy!  HA!
-I am ready to bust out my fall decorations!  I guess I can do that...uhh...tomorrow!
-Going to try some of PW's recipes this week and I can't wait!


  1. So glad you finally blogged. I've been missing this.

    I miss you & Ryder-Man! See yall soon!

    LOVE you!

  2. We were wondering about you!Knowing you have been ultra busy. I am the worlds worst aunt. I still have your b-day gift and have NOT seen your house. When can I come see? Do you have "free" days anymore?


  3. You are not the worst aunt! it's that time of year! we're all running around like crazy! MWF are "free" Come see us! NEW Panera in town!!


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