Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My first EVER blog award!

How EXCITING!?!  One of my new blogger friends, Janice, gave me my first blog award...EVER!  Thank you so much Janice!  How fun, and what a FUN award?  I wouldn't want any other award!  :P

Sometimes I wish my blog was more "versatile" and maybe one day it will be!  But I guess it is pretty random already from mommy-ing, to all things baby, to school to just LIFE in general!  I hope to add some more craftiness and cooking/baking soon!  They have been on my mind for a while now, I just need to JUMP on it!

How to play:
1.  Thanks the person that gave you the award.
2.  Tell your readers 7 things about yourself.
3.  Pass the award along to 10-15 bloggers you have recently discovered & love reading about!
4. Contact the bloggers & let them know you gave them an award!

So...here I go!  7 things about me!

1.  Growing up all I ever wanted to be was a "SAHM"

2.  I took 3 different photography classes in High School and wish I would have paid more attention and actually taken what I was taught to heart, and continued to learn about the subject.  Maybe one day.

3.  I eat plenty of fried foods, but sometimes when I realize what I'm eating & how BAD it is for you, I get grossed out & can't eat it any more.

4. My friends say I'm bossy.

5.  I have found a new love for antiquing and garage sale-ing!

6.  I have been addicted to Frozen Yogurt this summer.  I already earned a "free" trip for getting my card punched 10 times.  That's like 30 dollars worth of Fro-Yo.

7.  I wish I enjoyed working out so bad.  I'm hoping I'll start to do better when school starts back up!

...& now for my award winners!

1.  Brandi @ Mama Laughlin
2. Brittany @ The Dalomba Days
5.  Bonnie @ House of Grace
9. Jenn @ First Comes Love
10.  Katie @ Cleared For Takeoff

Go check out these ladies out!  They all have great stories of their own and a lot to learn from!  I hope you enjoy reading some of them as much as I do!


  1. Aww... Thank you so much for the award! I'll post about it later. Give me something to blog about today :) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  2. Thanks so much for adding me to your list!!! I always wanted to be a SAHM too! Have a great day,
    Bonnie :)


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