Thursday, May 20, 2010


-so...I made homemade baby food yesterday for the first time.  I wish I would have started taking pics from the beginning, but I didn't.  Here are some pics from after I cooked the carrots, cut them up & pureed them and slopped them into super easy/cool silicon square ice cube trays I'm SO glad I found at TJMaxx!

I let them freeze over night...2 bags of whole carrots.

Popped the cubes out & into a zip lock bag..

Dated 'um & threw them in the fridge!  We'll see how lil man likes them @ lunch!  =)

-I tried on a bikini for the first time last night, and of course I don't look like I used to, but it's not going to be as hard to go to the pool as I thought this summer!  Maybe a few more weeks of good working out, and I'll loose a few pinches here & there!
-It's a rainy nasty day outside!  We probably won't be leaving the house!
-Mom & I went to Target last night to get a new house phone...did we get one?  No.  Did we even stop to look at them?  No...of course we got distracted by everything else!  HA!
-Lil Punkin' has taken a morning AND afternoon nap all week!  YIPPEE!!
-He has started to stand on his own (not holding on to anything) for a FEW short seconds until he plops down!
-He is doing sooo good saying "BYE BYE"!  When you say it, he automatically says it back & waves!
-We're working on "MA-MA" & nodding YES next!
-I can't wait to take him to the beach in July!
-His wardrobe is ALL set for the beach...mine is not.  I'll be working on that!
-I hope we can enjoy the sandy beaches & water..if the oil doesn't damper the experience.
-I never mentioned my mom backing my car up into my brother's car.
-Mine is messed up pretty bad, but his could be fixed with spray paint.
-We found out since their on the same insurance there is no deductible and we can get them fixed!  WAHOO!
-I'm meeting with the appraiser later today!
-Punkin' needs some new sandals...his are all too small!
-Someone gave me the bright idea to subscribe to a cooking magazine...HUMMMM!  

1 comment:

  1. - love the home made baby food! did he like it?
    -i love the blog world but i knew i would. i mean hello it's like talking on the computer?! lol
    -i have seen a lot of after baby bodies, trust me i'm catholic, and yours is nothing to worry about.
    - i appreciate all the kind words and following my blog :) i will forsure keep you updated and i love and miss you. i know i say that a lot but i sincerely mean it and hope lil man is doing good. I will most likely be buying him cute little shirts and stuff at the polo factory store this summer...oh yeah and maybe something for mom as well ;)
    love love!


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