Monday, November 9, 2009

my lil man is TWO MONTHS old!

It's hard to believe that 2 months ago today we were cooped up in our lil Maternity Recovery room at Baptist with our 10 hour old little baby boy, not having a clue at how much of a BLESSING he was going to be to us, and how HAPPY he was going to make us or how in LOVE we were going to be with him!

I'm lucky I got this two shots, cause right after the last one...he spit up ALL of the place! Poor baby!

"Why do you always have that camera in my face?"
"I'm not to sure about this whole crib thing yet"

What you have been up to Wild-Man!
-We have gotten into a good routine which mommy loves of eating, hanging out with mommy, and then sleeping!! And then doing it all over again!
-You have been sleeping through the night since about 7 weeks, and it is SO nice! Mommy doesn't mind getting up @ 6 to feed you!
-We started supplementing with 4oz. of formula after each feeding @ 6 weeks to help you gain a little bit more!
-You are a wiggle WORM! Daddy says you get it from me, but I think you get it from him! Ha!
-You smile ALL the time still!
-You are a mommy's boy, the simple feeling of my chest & shoulder can sooth you.
-You sat in your Bumbo for the first time on Halloween!
-You no longer like tummy time!
-You would rather be in your swing, able to look around @ everything going on!
-You started to notice your hands & feet & that they were apart of your own body.
-You love lunch & dinner dates with mommy & her girls!
-You stayed with MiMi & Pawpaw while mommy & daddy went out on their first date since you were born!
-You have chuckled once or twice for mommy.
-You have started to pooch out your bottom lip when you are about to cry, and it just breaks out hearts.
-You have grabbed your feet a few times with your hands!
-Your personality is really starting to show, and it is just SO sweet!
-I have seen you roll over two more times!
-While on your stomach (which is rare) you just hold your head up & look around!
-I gave you your first bath by myself, and it wasn't too bad!
-Your still in most of your newborn clothes, but we have started to notice them getting a lil tight which is a GOOD thing!
-You are still wearing Newborn diapers as well.
-Your not a big fan of your carseat like you used to be, but the secret mommy touch always works. It consists of having your paci, coving your face with a burp rag and whispering "SHHHH" in your ear & it was automatically calm you!
-You love for people to talk to you! You will just talk & laugh back!
-Your hair has started to grow a little bit more in the front but stays CRAZY in the back!
-I can't seem to keep up with how fast your little fingernails grow!
-Your thighs are finally filling out, and your even getting a lil belly! Whoever though?!?
Pops came by to visit a few days ago while in town on his lunch break!

Jake was working on Sunday, and my dad said he was driving up to Batesville that morning to see his Aunt Dean. I have been wanting to get little man up there to see her, and I'm SO SO SO glad it worked out for Ryder and I to get to go up there with my dad! It was just like every other time we have been up there since I can remember. Ham, homemade mashed potatoes, cream style corn, beans, cornbread, pickles, sweet tea & of course just for me and my dad Chocolate Cake!!
Sweet thing on the way up there!
Aunt Dean's first time holding Ryder. He was so good & happy for her too!
Ryder's Great-Great Aunt & his Momma.
Visiting Daddy @ the Firehouse one day! We look JUST like him!

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