Monday, October 5, 2009

Post through Pictures...

SOO....believe it or not, my 3 week old ROLLED OVER! You can see where he WAS on the blanket where the paci was, and got up on his side and then plopped over on his back! I just happened to be watching him when he did it! I screamed and then he cried...obviously!
Mommy was SO proud of her little boy! He has done it one more time since then!
Sweet baby in his swing!
"Little Ladies Man"
Having tummy time with mommy out on a quilt in the back yard one afternoon!
Mommy LOVES her lil punkin'!
Holding the mirror for mommy while she put her make up on-(don't tell daddy!)
Saturday morning Luke, Tonya, Aunt Kathy & Uncle Sam came to see lil man and he was so good, considering we hadn't had much sleep the night before!
Chillin' with cousin Tonya!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture!
Saturday afternoon we went to a BBQ @ Braxton's house! This is what they did the whole time!
The blanket WAS straightened out and flat when I laid him down for Tummy Time-he wants to crawl SO bad!
Mommy LOVES her lil boy SO much!


  1. Kati, I know you may not like this, but Gene and I think Ryder looks so much like your Dad! Don't tell Jake we said that! LOL


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