Saturday, December 26, 2009

now that Christmas is are my DECORATIONS!

Ryder's tree in his room...

The "Traditional" tree in the eating area with all my Hallmark & other random ornaments from growing up as well as Jake's & Ryder's

I bought this @ HL & personalized it when I got home!
Ryder's 1st ornament from KeeKee!
Burlap initial ornaments I made
Gold, turquoise & brown tree in the living rom

Our Christmas Card & card holder in the kitchen
Mini tree on the counter
Some Jingle Bells in a hurricane
Burlap "JOY" sign I made
& sadly, I did not make this, but our front door decor. I never got around to the garland around the door frame!

Our house is still pretty much a MESS from running in & out the last few days, which completely drives me NUTS! I usually go to bed every night with a half way decent looking house! We actually got out of the house today around 10 (YES I KNOW! Husband was shocked as well!) and went to HL, Home Depot, and Lowes. We also ate lunch @ TGIFridays, and it was good. I have only been there 3 times, and each time I have gotten something different, which is not like me, and I have been pleased every time!

Ryder had a COMPLETE blow out of his diaper between lunch & Lowe's...I had to change him in the parking lot, and it was just BAD! He just went RIGHT out the side all on his onesie and pants! He has only done that 3 times...and NEVER were we @, Target & well...Lowe's!

I haven't even uploaded Christmas pictures yet, but I hope to soon...maybe tomorrow so it won't be TOO late! But getting this house in order will make me feel alot better about doing it!

Late Merry Christmas too all! We are so GRATEFUL for all our wonderful friends and family!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Card...

Here's our Christmas Card we sent out this year! ENJOY!
I'm so happy with how it turned out...Christmas Card/Birth Announcement!

Monday, December 21, 2009

I hate playing Catch Up...

What I've been up to lately....

I got to try out my JohnnyJumpUp for the first time. It's still a little too big for me, but I spun around a few times! It was mommy's adventure video taping me with her new camera that she got for Christmas from Santa!
I love chewing on my hands till Mommy pulls them out of my mouth...
Cousin Tonya came to visit for the weekend, and even spent the night with us!
This is at lunch on Sunday after church. I was being such a good and big boy for mommy & daddy! They were so proud of me! I behaved in church as well...I usually sleep through service, but not this week! I was WIDE awake the whole time, and no one had to take me outside!
Visiting Daddy @ the Firehouse in my Christmas bib!
Being a good boy making while Mommy & Daddy made the Gingerbread House!

Finished product with Mommy...they couldn't figure out the self-timer...
& with Daddy!
Our first Gingerbread House!
Day date with Auntie Dell to Chili's and Target where I pooped all over her arm, but other than that was a really good boy!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our Week Thus Far...

Daddy worked Saturday & we stayed home, and did absolutely NOTHING! It was so nice... especially since it was so cold out! We went to the early service on Sunday, and then came home and put some chili in the crock pot & tried a new Mac & Cheese recipe which was SOOOO good! I think I got it out of the December Southern Living, and Jake loves sour cream and it had it in it as well as rotel & onions! YUM! We will definitely be having it again soon!

Here is what my lil man looks like in the morning when it's time for him up! When he sees me round the corner, he just GRINS & GRINS, and I can't wait to bend over & pick him up to get my hands on him!

"Come on mom...get me up already!"

Monday morning we got up & got around and went over to Granny Jones' to make Ryder's first sugar cookies! He actually participated! I was so proud! We had fun, and they were fun to try after we were done!
Hanging out with Daddy!
Cutting out his Gingerbread Man!
Ryder Man with his Granny Jones!
Watching mommy ice the cookies!

Today has kinda been a catch up day....ohh & Ryder hasn't been feeling himself the last few days. Runny nose again and just congested. We're taking good care of him though! He is staying with KeeKee later tonight while I go shopping with my dad & brother for my mom for Christmas! I'm really looking forward to it! We have always gone shopping together for mom for as long I can remember! I don't know what they would do with out my help though! Poor guys! Ha!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

3 months...1/4 of a year old!

Someone turned three months old yesterday...oh how my lil boy is growing! We were gone ALL day yesterday from about 11 to 10 last night, so needless to say, I didn't get around to posting! I got pretty much all of my last little Christmas shopping done yesterday! GO ME! I ordered more last one today online...and I just might pick up a few more lil things for Ryder, but that's IT!

I had to raise his car seat straps up today...they were getting a lil too tight on my big boy! I also took the head rest holder thing out as well!

Getting SO big!
Mac'n with Mama today in our Bumbo!

3 Months...

So glad I got a smile out of him!

Few things you have been doing these days...
-Noticing your lips, sucking in on the top & bottom
-Grabbing EVERYTHING! You even grabbed mommy's plate @ the dinner table!
-Reaching & grabbing for you toes, even pulling your socks off a few times!
-Laughing when someone laughs
-Likes to stand up on our laps ALL the time. We have to make you sit down!
-Starting to hate when we put you in your carseat...until we get you a blanket & cover up your face
-When your on your tummy, you can hold your head up 90 degrees & look around like a little owl!
-You kinda push yourself up with your arms, but are still trying to make those muscles even strong so you can start crawling!
-You are still sleeping through the night from about 9pm-7 or 8 am
-You love bath time now, & you make it SO fun!
-You are now in 0-3 months clothes! FINALLY! I packed away all the newborns last weekend!
-Still in NB diapers, but probably won't buy any more, and will just go up to ones, cause they are getting a lil tight!
-You had your first cold the week of Thanksgiving and I think it bothered mommy more than it did you!
-When someone grabs your hands or arms while your laying down, you can pull yourself up onto you feet, and hold your neck up when doing so!
-You love to watch Grey's reruns with mommy all day long!
-You will pull your own paci out!
-If there is a TV in the room, you are WATCHING it!

We love you so much, and love how you have changed our lives!
I had him laying on the recliner, and he turned himself ALL the way around to see the TV!
We caught him doing this the other night and just CRACKED up! SILLY boy! He was just holding it up...for a good 4-5 minutes...we didn't just catch him in that position!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Visit with Santa!

Today's been a nice, lazy, rainy day at home. We have done just about nothing, except for the normal, feed...change diapers pick up etc. It's my life though and I LOVE it! I did craft a lil bit earlier, cause I snuck to Hobby Lobby yesterday before we went to see Santa. I could spend all day, and ALL of our money in that store! It is already looking bare in the Christmas department! There were already EMPTY shelves! I was telling my mom the other that we should go there the day after Christmas to get some good stuff & deals...but who knows if there will be anything left! Ryder has been GREAT all day, and he fusses when he's tired so I lay him down and he goes to sleep! I enjoy him falling asleep on me, but some times this is a nice change! I'm cooking a tenderloin for dinner from a hog that Jake's dad & brother killed out on the farm! I was totally against eating or cooking any of it, until I found a GREAT tenderloin recipe!

Sunday Ryder & I went & spent the afternoon with my parents & brother. It was nice to get away & out of the house, and to see everybody! Ryder just talked and talked, and couldn't take his eyes off of the big screen TV!

Chillin' with KeeKee & Pops

Last night we went to see Santa Claus @ my Dad's bank...Ryder did SO good! I was glad we got in there when we did, cause as soon as we got to the car, he LOST it and cried the whole way home. Poor baby...he was just hungry!

1st picture with Santa Clause!
With Mr. & Mrs. Clause!

Abbey came over to visit and hang out with us later that night...I tried a new recipe for her that I will never fix again. I guess you have to try it once to figure out you don't like it though! It wasn't BAD it just wasn't good!

He just grinned & grinned @ her!
Sweet boy!

Hopefully I take some pictures of our Christmas decorations tonight and get those up on here in the next few days!

Friday, December 4, 2009

TWO DAYS IN A ROW!!!'s past midnight, but I still consider it being two blog posts in two days! The boys are both in bed...and I was just NOT tired! I was crafty a bit...and now things are drying, so I'm on here! Just a few random things...

This is what Ryder's carseat looks like after we get him out! He constantly drops his paci while I'm driving and I just keep the diaper bag stashed with them, and when the one he has falls out...I just plop another one back in there! Haha! He is a paci hoarder!
My first lotto ticket...and I won ONE dollar! WAHOO!!
Ryder helping daddy work..notice the pen in his hand! He is into grabbing EVERYTHING!
My sweet lil thing! Daddy's lil helper!
And last but not least...MY lil reindeer! I found these in my Christmas decorations from school and just couldn't resist! Haha! He was good for me the whole time...I just laughed & laughed! Poor baby! Haha! He will hate me one day for this! :P

No big plans for tomorrow...I am for SURE not getting out on a Saturday in December! HA! We are going to dinner tomorrow night while MiMi keeps Ryder which will be VERY enjoyable!

Can't guarantee a post tomorrow though!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Every night when it's time to go to bed...I get mad @ myself, because I didn't update my blog! AHHH!! But here I am now...

Last week in review...From Ryder!
Auntie Dell came home from school for the week, so mommy took me over to see her & Ms. Kelly! They just loved on me and held me the whole time!
Mommy cooked some taco soup for MiMi & PawPaw one night!
Daddy had to work on Thanksgiving, so Mommy took me by the Fire Station to see him!
Thanksgiving day I went with Mommy to Granny Jean's in Alread. This is me with my cousin Hannah, Great Granny Jones & Great Granny Jean.
Me with my Granny Jean!
& with my Granny Jones!
With cousin Hannah! She sure does LOVE me!
With my MiMi & Hannah!
Mommy let me watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV! YES! I was sick of watching Grey's anyways!
Friday we went to Nana & PaPaw's in Pangburn for some YUMMY food (even though I didn't get any of the good stuff till later that night!) This is me with Mommy & Daddy down on the dock on the Little Red River!
Me & my Great PaPaw in our matching hats!
Daddy holding me while I PATIENTLY waited my turn to get my picture taken!
I love my Daddy!
These are some of my second cousins! They all love to touch me and rub my head and talk to me!
Mommy with Pops down on the dock.
Mommy with Uncle G...I can't wait I can go huntin' with him!
Me & Ben!
With my Great Nana...I told you they like to touch & talk to me!

I had a GREAT first Thanksgiving! Now Mommy is putting crazy things up INSIDE the house, like all these big green TREES with shiny lil dots & BIG balls every where! She always wrapping things up with paper & pretty bows, and then throwin' um under the tree! What's going on with her? Guess I'll find out soon! =)

Love, Ryder

Since Thanksgiving I have just been trying to get back on track from been being away from the house for 2 almost 3 straight FULL days! It's TOUGH! Ryder got to meet his friend Braxton for the first time Friday lay on the floor play together! Braxton is 4 months old so he was getting after it, but Ryder wasn't feeling it so much!

Church on Sunday was GREAT! We always wishfully hope that Ryder will sleep through the service so Jake & I can be in there together, but he didn't, and it was Daddy's turn to take him out! It was nice to just relax and enjoy the sermon for a little bit!

Monday I took Ryder over to my mom's while Jake was at work, and I helped her with some of her Christmas decorations, even though she already had ALOT done! I got to get all my ornaments from growing up and bring them home for OUR tree! I didn't realize how many I had! Mostly Hallmark, but there are always the ones you make at school, and ones from ornament exchanges, and the one my mom had bought me every year, and a few from vacations!

Last night we went over to Luke & Jenn's for dinner...and MAN can Luke cook! I told him I'm embarrassed to cook for him now! Ha! We had a good time, and it was 9:30 before we knew it, and we headed home! Ryder fell asleep in the car, and didn't wake up till 8 this morning! It was nice! Jake & I took the moment & ran with it, and watched a movie on the couch together in peace & quiet! Seems like it's been FOREVER since that has happened! Not complaining...AT ALL...just saying!

Ryder & I left the house today around 1 to get somethings done that just HAD to be done. Return some stuff at Target, get labels for the Christmas Cards...(which are ADORABLE, picked up my test copy today!), take some stuff to the UPS store (which did you know they have a drop off @ Staples? I was going there anyways so it was nice!) & of course visit Daddy! That was our day...Ryder's asleep now so I'm trying to hurry up & get this & a FEW other things done!

I could say you'll see me tomorrow...but that would be a lie!