Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Entry!

I've started this blog in hopes of you all being able to keep up with me and the precious baby I'm carrying.  This will keep everyone up to date, near & far on what's going to be going on in my life during the months ahead.  

I'm not the best with words, and many of you already know that, but I'm going to do what I can!  I hope to not only use this as a scrapbook for myself, but also for you guys and the baby!

Tomorrow I will be 10 weeks, and I have my first Dr. appointment with Dr. Singleton at Cornerstone Woman's Clinic in Little Rock on Feb. 4th @ 2 o'clock!  =)  I'm a bit nervous everything that's going to be done, but I just tell myself that so many woman have been through it before, and I CAN DO IT!  I'm ready to see that lil peanut for the first time, and see/hear it's lil heartbeat!

Updates soon!